PBS Special Needs Support
Resources available for parents of children with special needs
Here are some ideas about media that can specifically support children with ASD.
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood can help teach social skills to preschoolers — this was the remarkable conclusion my research team and I reached a few years ago.
Adults who do not have children with autism may not always know "the right thing to say" to those that do. Here are some thoughtful ways to connect.
Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability that affects reading. Children with dyslexia often have poor phonological skills, resulting in difficulties with decoding, reading fluency, and spelling. Dyslexia can also impact reading comprehension and writing. Visit Reading Rockets to learn about the early warning signs for dyslexia, common myths, and how to help children with dyslexia become successful readers. Launched in 2001, Reading Rockets is an education initiative of WETA, the flagship public television and radio station in the nation's capital.
Sign up to receive news and information about reading, writing, learning disabilities, children's books and authors, and national education issues. All Reading Rockets publications are available at no cost.
At the Stern Center in Williston, Vermont, struggling students get a leg up on reading and other skills.
An episode of “Arthur” introduces Carl, a boy with special needs, who becomes friends with the lead character.
On the “Dinosaur Train” episode “Dennis Comes to Visit,” Tiny, Shiny, and Buddy have a visit from their friend Dennis, who is a dinosaur with special needs.
On “Daniel Tiger,” Daniel and Miss Elaina meet Prince Wednesday’s cousin Chrissie during a playdate at the castle. As they play “knights,” they discover that, although Chrissie needs some help walking, they are the same in many ways.
The following PBS activities, games and shows are appropriate for all children but have special considerations built-in for children with special needs.
In this game, repair the Information SuperRailway using math.