The e-Learning for Educators Initiative is funded by a U.S. Department of Education Ready to Teach Grant involving eight states (AL, DE, KY, MD, MS, MO, NC, NH, PA, and WV). The central goal of the initiative is to establish an effective and sustainable model of online professional development that will help address state-wide teacher quality needs and have an impact on student achievement.

Each state participating in the e-Learning for Educators Initiative has a state leadership team consisting of staff from the State Department of Education and a partner public broadcasting station. Additionally, the Education Development Center (EDC) and Boston College are providing support in the areas of implementation and evaluation.
Online learning can build capacity for technology integration and help school districts meet the challenge of providing effective professional development for teachers and administrators. In addition, vibrant, interactive communities of educators can be built online and have significant effects on classroom teacher practice.
Mississippi e-Learning for Educators provides high-quality, research-based, online professional development facilitated by exemplary Mississippi educators.
Workshops last for four weeks and emphasize theory-to-practice applications. The workshop assignments includes online discussions, reflection, readings, and projects. Participants receive a certificate of participation and/or CEU credits (for eligible participants). The e-Learning registration fee is $85. All payments are completed online with the exception of School Purchase Orders. They must be emailed to